Hugs Are Beneficial For Us All

Due to unusual circumstances as a newborn, I was never held and never hugged unless It( was to burp", I can attest to it, "No touching ruins your life and I'm 69"

Hugs Are Beneficial For Us All

You probably don’t think about the scientific benefits of hugs while having a cuddle. You likely just throw your arms around a loved one and forget your troubles. It’s a natural way of greeting someone you like, showing somebody you care, expressing joy or sympathy, and just getting a bit closer.

Whether it’s for achieving childhood milestones, getting into romantic relationships, congratulating someone, or experiencing grief, we all need a hug sometimes. It’s a natural way of showing affection and letting someone know they matter to you.

Why are hugs so important? Are all the benefits real? Science tells us they are—and does so with a resounding yes. We’re going to take a look at all the proven good things about hugs. We will also look at why it’s important to make sure everyone involved in the hug is comfortable with it!

The Many Benefits of Hugs

The benefits of getting a hug are plentiful and have a scientific basis behind them. Here are just five of the fantastic ways that a cuddle will do you a world of good.

Happy Hugs

A hug from someone we love makes us happy. And there is a scientific reason for that! Hugging releases hormones that lead to happiness. The nice hormones that hugs bring with them are:

  • Dopamine: the hormone that makes us experience joy and pleasure. Dopamine increases our mood and is also important for getting good sleep and remembering things. Not having enough dopamine can cause muscle and digestion problems, and lead to us feeling fatigued and unmotivated.
  • Serotonin: a hormone that is vital for being in a good mood. Serotonin is important for managing our mental health and avoiding depression.
  • Oxytocin: often known as the love hormone. This is the hormone that allows us to form emotional bonds with others.

Benefits of Hugs

Physical Touch Helps Us Bond

With all those lovely positive hormones, you’ll be in a very pleasant mood. As well as the hormonal benefits, cuddles have plentiful benefits to your relationship, too. Physical touch, whether it is sexual or nonsexual, is a good way of strengthening bonds in relationships. Physical touch is a love language and a form of intimacy. Touch is actually the first of our senses that comes alive in the womb. From when we are babies bonding with our parents, to when we get older and form romantic relationships, hugs are a nice way of strengthening a connection. When we hug those we are close to it helps us feel comfortable and warm.

There is research that shows hugging can decrease negative feelings and help us feel safe with the other person involved in the hug. Hugs help us gain trust in each other which in turn helps communication, a vital part of any relationship.

Hugs Help Your Immune System

Hugs are not just good for us emotionally, they actually help keep us healthy too! Just like how parents are encouraged to let their babies and toddlers mingle with others to boost their immune system, it is important that as adults we get close to others to give ourselves the same immune boost.

One study found that hugging frequently can help you prevent infection. The study was based on trying to help people who are very stressed avoid illnesses. They found that when participants had regular hugs they showed fewer symptoms of illness associated with stress.

First of all, isn’t that such a wholesome study? Wouldn’t it be nice to partake in a study where you can just have free hugs? What’s more, with the results of this study showing that hugging is beneficial to your immune system, what’s not to like?

Reduce Your Stress

Not only do hugs help reduce illness in stressed people, but they also help reduce stress in general!

When we are stressed, our body releases a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is for stress regulation and helps us stay on alert. We need some cortisol, but too much can lead to weight gain, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and weak bones. Hugging helps to reduce the levels of cortisol in our bodies.

Other ways of lowering your stress are:

  • Getting a good quality of sleep
  • Regularly exercising
  • Laughing
  • Limiting stress
  • Breathing exercises
  • Avoiding unhealthy relationships

A nice, comfortable hug will also relax your muscles and can actually help reduce pain because hugs help increase circulation in soft tissue areas of the body.

Hugs Help Your Heart

Research has shown hugs help reduce blood pressure and are good for your heart health. Generally, your heart health improves with frequent hugs, with studies showing they can lower your heart rate.

Babies Really Need Physical Affection

No touching ruins your life and I'm 69"

One of the first things a newborn baby feels is usually the touch of their mother. In the early days of a baby’s life, they will need plenty of hugs from loved ones. This is an important part of ensuring your baby experiences healthy development.

First off, babies are new to the world and vulnerable. Having a parent hold them is an important way to let them know they have a family. The parents are the first people the baby meets, so it is important that they know they are welcome.

Benefits of Hugs

And it’s not just a way of making the baby feel safe either. Your child will experience many benefits from regular cuddles. Hugs will help your baby sleep better and generally be less distressed. The world is a scary place for a small, young human, so plenty of hugs are important for them to grow in confidence.

On top of the benefits we’ve already talked about, hugs make kids smarter. Physical touch helps babies learn how to move comfortably and studies have shown that hugs increase a child’s neurological function. Having physical contact with another helps babies learn that there is something outside of themselves, as they can feel someone else.

How Many Hugs?

There’s no such thing as too many hugs, so keep them coming! Hugging for 20 seconds or more has been shown to release positive hormones in our bodies. We should try to have a hug a day, and there are benefits of getting in as many hugs as we can! So whether it’s your partner, a friend, or your pet, try to make sure you get regular hugs.

But Remember

Although you may mean well in giving somebody a hug or a pat on the back, remember that not everybody likes to be touched. Sometimes people don’t like being touched by people they do not feel particularly close to, and even then, maybe there are times they just don’t feel like it. While you may feel like you’d love a hug from someone and feel more than comfortable with physical contact, keep in mind not everybody feels the same.

It is important to ensure that the person you are hugging is comfortable with it. This doesn’t mean you have to get a signed contract and verbal permission recorded on tape. You simply need their consent. It’s as easy as asking, “Would you like a hug?” and respect their response. If somebody says no they don’t want a hug, then it is important to respect their wishes.

This goes for kissing and any kind of sexual contact too. No matter how badly you want to do something, it is important to respect the wishes of the other person. And if in doubt just ask if they feel comfortable. Just because you really want something does not mean you have permission to interfere with somebody else’s body or boundaries.

If you find you don’t like being touched, it is perfectly alright to tell someone you don’t feel like a hug. After all, it is your body.

Physical Touch in Relationships

Some people have no interest in sexual relationships, and that is perfectly fine. As we talked about, consent is really important. But if you do want to have physical intimacy with someone that is perfectly natural too and nothing to be ashamed of at all.

Benefits of Hugs

As we’ve seen, hugs help us release a lot of pleasant hormones and make us feel good. This is generally true for skin-to-skin contact as well. Getting close physically helps boost intimacy and allows us to connect emotionally.

Make sure you talk to your partner about the types of touch they like and don’t like. Cuddling and holding hands are nice slow ways of starting things. When it comes to sex, talk with your partner about what you like and listen to what they like. This way, you can ensure physical touch brings you closer together and isn’t just a release.

Final Thoughts

Hugs and physical affection are good for us, provided we and the others involved are comfortable with them. When the person on each side of the hug is enjoying it, the hug can increase your mood by releasing hormones that make you happy, and make you feel comfortable, as well as providing other health benefits. It’s particularly important to show physical affection through hugs to newborns.

While you may enjoy a hug, it’s important to respect other people if they don’t want to be touched. Physical touch is a nice part of intimacy when both people are comfortable, and communication around it is really important.


NeuroGym Team

NeuroGym Team: NeuroGym’s Team of experts consists of neuroscientists, researchers, and staff who are enthusiasts in their fields. The team is committed to making a difference in the lives of others by sharing the latest scientific findings to help you change your life by understanding and using the mindset, skill set and action set to change your brain.


God Freqency 963 Hz

You have that power.

Jesus said so himself in the Bible:

“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.”

- Luke 17:6

And this...

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.”

- John 14:12




UT News. (2017, November 29). UT Austin Professors Discover Copy of Jesus’ Secret Revelations to His Brother. Retrieved from


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Ito, Tiffany & Larsen, Jeff & Smith, Kyle & Cacioppo, John. (1998). Negative Information Weighs More Heavily on the Brain. Journal of personality and social psychology. 75. 887-900. 10.1037/0022-3514.75.4.887. Retrieved from


Society for Neuroscience. (2020, February 17). Listening to Binaural Beats Synchronizes Brain Activity, but What Is the Effect on Mood, Focus and Anxiety? Retrieved from,increases%20focus%2C%20and%20improves%20mood.


Chaieb L, Wilpert EC, Reber TP and Fell J (2015, May 12) Auditory beat stimulation and its effects on cognition and mood states. Front. Psychiatry6:70. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00070 Retrieved from:


Beauchene, C., Abaid, N., Moran, R., Diana, R. A., & Leonessa, A. (april 2017). The effect of binaural beats on verbal working memory and cortical connectivity. Journal of Neural Engineering, 14(2). doi:10.1088/1741-2552/aa5d67. Retrieved from:


Bergland, C. (2013, January 22). Cortisol: Why the "Stress Hormone” Is Public Enemy No. 1. Retrieved from blog/the-athletes-way/201301/cortisol-why-the-stress-hormone-is-public-enemy-no-1


University of Southern Denmark Faculty of Health Sciences. (2020, March 6). Music intervention and mindfulness reduces the effect of mental fatigue. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 16, 2020 from

Sound of the universe

Jace told me he lost some of his hearing in his 20s due to a car accident…

He then dedicated his life to healing himself, studying Energy, Vibrations and Sound Medicine…

He explained to me that the word UNIVERSE


UNI- One

VERSE – Song

And songs and sounds are nothing but vibrations going through the air.

“The Universe Speaks Sound and Vibrations” - Jace whispered…

It’s what the famous Scientist Nikola tesla always talked about

And what Einstein confirmed:



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Ten foundations of training ~ Padmasambhava

The Master said:
When practicing the dharma, you must train perfectly in the ten foundations of training.
The lady asked:
What are these ten foundations of training?
The Master said:
You must resolve through the view, gaining understanding of all the teachings, like the garuda bird soaring in the skies.
You must find certainty through the conduct, without being intimidated by anything whatsoever, like an elephant entering the water.
You must practice through the samadhi, clearing away the darkness of ignorance, like lightning a lamp in a dark room.
You must accomplish the aim through the instructions, liberating all phenomena in your nature, like finding a wish-fulfilling jewel.
You must progress gradually through the empowerments, being free from the fear of falling into samsara, like a prince ascending the royal throne.
You must keep the basis through the samayas, not letting any of your actions be wasted, like fertile ground.
You must liberate your being through learning, becoming adept in all aspects of the dharma, like a noble steed freed from its chains.
You must compare all sources, understanding all the philosophical schools of the dharma, like a bee seeking a hive.
You must condense them into a single point, understanding that all the numerous teachings are of one taste, like a trader adding together his profits.
You must reach eminence in knowledge, understanding clearly and distinctly the meaning of all the teachings, like arriving at the summit of Mount Sumeru.
The people of Tibet who desire to be learned without training themselves in these points are not learned in the essential meaning but become practitioners with much sectarianism.
This is due to the fault of not having become adept in these ten foundations of training.

Image may contain: indoor


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